Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Looking To Amp Up Your Workouts at Home?

Working out at home can sometimes be, well, let's face it-boring! There are times when we are practicing our Kata, Combinations or basics and we feel listless. With that in mind, this week I am including a special workout for you that you can do at home. This workout comes from the Golden State Martial Arts White to Black Belt Student Manual. No special equipment is needed just your determination to be your best!

If there are any kicks that you don't have yet, just substitute them with kicks you do have. Remember, when working out be SMART. If the numbers are too high-adjust them, if you feel like you need to slow down do it. The numbers given in the workout are just a guideline, not a requirement. Adjust them to fit your fitness level. Good Luck and have fun!

Kicker's 300

30 front kicks, right leg..... 30 front kicks, left leg
10 push ups
30 roundhouse kicks, right leg..... 30 roundhouse kicks, left leg
1 minute horse stance hold
20 front kicks, right leg..... 20 front kicks, left leg
30 V ups
20 roundhouse kicks, right leg.... 20 roundhouse kicks, left leg
10 Burpees
10 front kicks, right leg..... 10 front kicks, left leg
20 Torso twists and 20 Torso Tilts side to side
10 roundhouse kicks, right leg..... 10 roundhouse kicks, left leg
5 jump front kicks, right leg....5 jump front kicks, left leg
10 jump front kicks, right leg.... 10 jump front kicks, left leg
15 jump front kicks, right leg.... 15 jump front kicks, left leg

Finish with some relaxed stretching. You can also substitute front and roundhouse for side and back kicks, or hook kicks, or crescent kicks, or any kick you would like.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Teaching Responsibility

Responsibility! How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish my child would be more RESPONSIBLE!???”

As parents, we want our children to grow up to be responsible for themselves. This includes taking responsibility for their actions, commitments, outcomes, and decisions.

When your child was born, you assumed full responsibility for her. Over the next 20 years, your job, your responsibility, is to gradually turn that responsibility over to her!

Teaching your child to be responsible takes time and attention from you. Every bit of responsibility you give your child must come with a tremendous amount of instruction and supervision. To raise a responsible child, you must be prepared to teach, remind, and inspect…over and over…a zillion times. And you must be prepared to do this without becoming frustrated, impatient, or resentful.

The following is a “model” that you can follow to teach your child how to handle responsibility.
The “Responsibility Model”

1. Assign a task. Teach what is expected, and how to meet those expectations.

2. Provide an opportunity to work on the task.

3. Before completion, inspect and provide constructive feedback.

4. If your child’s efforts were successful, great! Just continue with Step #3. If your child’s results weren’t quite successful, go back to Step #1.

Notice that, if your child’s efforts weren’t successful, you don’t take away the responsibility. It just means you need a little more teaching, and more frequent feedback. If this happens, you must be patient and supportive! If you appear disappointed or impatient, your child will become discouraged and resentful.

Sound like a lot of work? It is! Is it really necessary? Yup!

Many times, parents are surprised by the level of commitment that it takes to teach a child how to be responsible. They become frustrated, and stop trying.

If you give up, or if you skip steps in the “Responsibility Model,” chances are that your child won’t be able to effectively handle responsibility.

It’s a huge mistake to assume that our children will grow up to be responsible adults without a tremendous amount of coaching.

So, parents, be diligent. Use the model. Don’t become frustrated, or give up. Stick with it, and your child will learn to handle all types of responsibility effectively!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


 Welcome to Golden State Martial Academy's blog!

After a brief hiatus, our Blog is now back in action!!

This blog will be updated every Tuesday with events happening at Golden State Martial Arts as well as safety tips, getting the most out of your training and more.